Wednesday 7 March 2007

Counted Thread Band Round Robin - Christine's band

8 stitchers from around the world are participating in a Counted Thread Band Round Robin which was started as part of a now-defunct group, and here we plan to share the experience with those folk who were following us on that group and others who may be interested.

Here is my band with 2 rows of stitching completed, my own and Jenny B's. My multicoloured band is Wessex Stitchery, a style developed by a Mrs Foster in Bath, U.K. in the late 1800's. I'm a great fan of traditional, antique and vintage styles of needlework. New Zealander Gay Eaton published a lovely book titled "Wessex Stitchery" in 2001 and the patterns are adapted from that book. I choose my favourite colours at the moment, purple of course, and some colours to go with that which just pleased my eye. The fabric is 25 count Lugana evenweave linen, and my threads are stranded DMC cottons.

Jenny's band is withdrawn thread work using a perle thread which she had in her stash, although at the time she did comment that she felt it needed some orange but didn't have anything suitable to hand. I heartily agree, and hopefully someone else during the rotation will choose to add it somewhere.